Email Marketing

Social Media

The fact is: email still works. Discover how we can help your estate agency get more out of your database.

We’re all excited with bold new email marketing strategies to overcome our 21.7% benchmark in 2022.

When you think about it, email marketing for estate agents isn't just a way to send out a newsletter. At Starberry, we see it as a way to connect with customers on a deeper level and make sure they're getting the right message at the right time.

We know that no two customer journeys are the same. That's why our email marketing for real estate agents is tailored to their unique customer needs.

Our wealth of experience in email marketing for estate agents gives us a superpower -- we can craft emails that convert leads into clients; broadcast emails that serve up helpful content at the right time.

Designed with purpose, our newsletters will keep you top of mind and broadcast emails that serve up rich content to keep your database engaged to automated drip campaigns that nurture and convert leads.

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Discover a time-efficient yet effective way to engage and nurture leads without them losing interest. 

Luckily, Starberry’s drip email campaigns and automated emails bring plenty of excitement to email marketing for realtors. 

Looking back on 2021, we're excited to share that our benchmark report for the open rate was 21.7%! After a fantastic year, we’ve got more amazing email marketing strategies for even higher results for our customers in 2022.

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