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Digital Marketing

Embracing Google Maps and Search from July 2022: Will it impact local SEO for estate agents?

With the shift from GMB to Google Maps and Search, there are many questions in the minds of estate agents. We’ve put together key insights on this shift and how this will impact estate agents' local SEO and results.

It’s the difference between great estate agents’ results and lagging behind your competitors. Google My Business has been replaced with Google Maps and Search. Here’s why we think it will boost local SEO for estate agents.

July 18, 2022

Digital Marketing

Things estate agents should know when moving on from Universal Analytics to Google Analytics 4

Google Analytics 4 is a new analytics experience for estate agents

Estate agents’ digital marketing gurus at Starberry, dive into the new Google Analytics 4 migration and how the upgrade provides an enhanced performance tracking for estate agencies.

July 13, 2022

Website development

5 Essential Features For Creating Estate Agency Websites

Find out the top 5 features for a lead-generating estate agency platform.

Dive into the 5 essential features that should be implemented into every estate-agency website. From mobile optimisation to CRM integration, learn how to create the best in lead-gen platforms.

June 22, 2022

Google’s Algorithm Core Update Effect On Estate Agents

Find out how Google’s Core Update impacts the SEO position of estate agencies.

Discover exactly how Google’s latest update to their SEO algorithm affects estate agents and their search-engine rankings.

June 16, 2022

Digital Marketing

5 Strategies For Estate Agencies Creating An Enhanced Google Ad Campaign

Today we breakdown five strategies that can maximise the results of an estate agencies Google Ad Campaign. Tackling the understanding of cost, bid adjustments and more - we reveal exactly how you can enhance lead-gen through ad campaigns.

In today’s Starberry blog we tackle the five different strategies that can cost-efficiently maximise the leads generated by an estate agencies Google ad campaign.

June 6, 2022

The Hidden Bridge Between Estate Agents & Home-Buyers

Estate agent’s can discover the first basic steps towards maximising local SEO presence.

In this Starberry Blog, we dive in-depth into SEO for estate agents - revealing the unrivalled lead-gen results when having a localised focus.

June 6, 2022

Digital Marketing

Remodelling The Digital Landscape: A Journey Breakdown With Collinson Hall

Episode 12 of the ‘Starberry Vlog’ series highlights the benefits to adopting a digital change into an estate agency. Find out the key benefits that moving away from traditional marketing brings to estate agents.

Dive into Episode 12 of the ‘Starberry Vlog’ series - featuring Collinson Hall - to discover exactly why estate agencies should adopt a digitally transformative strategy.

May 3, 2022

Digital Marketing

Three Effective Strategies For Lead-Generation On Social Media

Discover the three effective strategies that provide better lead-generation results via social media.

Dive into three highly–effective strategies for estate agents when considering how to enhance lead-generation on social media.

April 22, 2022

Digital Marketing

5 Smart Ideas to Develop ROI Driven Content for Your Estate Agent Business

Join us, as we reveal five creative content strategies for the estate agent’s to achieve optimal ROI results.

Dive into five different ways estate agents can develop content with impressive ROI results. Join us as we breakdown content marketing agency for estate agents

April 22, 2022

Digital Marketing

Remodelling The Digital Landscape: A Journey Breakdown With Bartram & Co

Episode 11 of the ‘Starberry Vlog’ series highlights the benefits to adopting a digital change into an estate agency. Explore the ins and outs of digital transformation as we take a deep dive into Bartram & Co.’s journey.

Dive into Episode 11 of the ‘Starberry Vlog’ series - featuring Bartram & Co - to discover exactly why estate agencies should adopt a digitally transformative strategy.

April 4, 2022


Enhance Website Performance, Maximise Your Leads

Explore the ins and outs of Gatsby, offering estate agent’s a highly-efficient system to build or rebuild website’s that boast impressive performance.

Learn how to create your Gatsby real-estate website today! Our latest ‘Starberry Insight’ blog jumps into website development for estate agents, exploring a powerful digital framework for enhancing website performance - especially during Jamstack website development

March 29, 2022


10 Ways to Create Shareable Posts for Social Media

Discover the ways in which we believe estate agent’s can enhance engagement with their social media marketing. The latest edition of the ‘Starberry Insight’ blog, highlights the best possible tactics for creating more shareable posts.

Dive into our breakdown of social-media marketing for estate agency’s, highlighting the 10 best ways to maximise engagement across facebook marketing and other popular platforms.

March 29, 2022

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